Fourth Annual Charity Match – Shootout

The fourth annual Linea de Fuego WAVES Charity Match Shootout was a great success! We appreciate all the match participants who came out to show support for the programs of the WAVES Project! We had some great sponsors who donated raffle prizes to add to the fun and competition!

Smokey Mountain Catering served up some great BBQ for all the shooters. The weather was beautiful and over 160 competitors took part raising funds to support wounded veterans.

click here to visit their website
5.11 Tactical Awards Fat BBQ Fabrication Federal Premium Ammunition JD helping serve lunch Kris and Ashley Brian – WAVES team Brian – WAVES team Brian – WAVES team Brian – WAVES team Chris – WAVES Team Chris – WAVES Team Chris – WAVES Team Shooting Station Competitors Competitors Volunteers Rikki, Cher and Alexia Steve with volunteers Joe and Olga Brian and Barbara Our Sponsors