Golden Eagle Properties Announces iShare program
When you buy or sell a home, donate to WAVES Project!

You can donate to WAVES Project, just by using part of the real estate commission you would normally pay to list your home! Your donation may even be tax deductible.
When you list your home, investment property, commercial property, land, or other real property with our real estate partners Chris & Debi Styner at Golden Eagle Properties, 30% of the commission on the listing side of the transaction will be donated directly to WAVES Project.
Please contact Debi Styner directly at (951) 805-4431 or email:
Here are more details on how it works when you’re selling a property:
- Contact Chris & Debi Styner at Golden Eagle Properties. Tell them you would like to list your property through Golden Eagle Properties’ iShare Program, and would like your donation to go to WAVES Project.
- You as the seller sign a listing agreement with Chris & Debi Styner at Golden Eagle Properties. The agreement will state that 30% of the real estate commission you as the seller pay on the listing side will be donated to WAVES Project. The donation will be paid directly from escrow to WAVES Project at close of escrow. (The commission the seller pays to the buyer’s agent is separate, and is not included in the iShare Program.)
- Your property will be photographed by a professional real estate photographer, and expertly marketed to buyers and real estate agents.
- Once you accept an offer on your property, we open escrow. At close of escrow, 30% of the listing office’s real estate commission is donated directly to WAVES Project in your name. The donation is sent directly from the escrow company. ***
- WAVES Project will provide you a donation letter upon receipt of the donation from escrow.
- You as the home seller may receive the potential tax benefits (please check with your tax advisor, as we are not licensed to provide tax advice).
WAVES Project will also receive a donation if you purchase a property in Southern California through Chris & Debi Styner @ Golden Eagle Properties! The best part is, the donation is made without anything coming out of your pocket!
Here’s how it works when you’re buying a property:
- Contact Chris & Debi Styner at Golden Eagle Properties. Tell them you would like to purchase a property through Golden Eagle Properties’ iShare Program, and would like a donation from the transaction to go to WAVES Project.
- Chris & Debi will show you properties. Once you find the property you want, Chris & Debi will write up your offer and submit it to the seller.
- Upon acceptance of your offer, escrow will be opened.
- At close of escrow, 30% of the commission we receive as the agent representing you as the buyer, will be donated to WAVES Project. *** There is no potential tax benefit to you for this donation
For more information about the iShare Program, please contact Debi Styner directly at (951) 805-4431 or email:
We look forward to working with you and WAVES Project!
Chris & Debi Styner
*** Donations will be made to WAVES Project upon successfully closed real estate sale transactions through Chris & Debi Styner at Golden Eagle Properties only.
Donations will not be made on transactions that are cancelled for any reason. iShare Program does not apply to real estate lease transactions.